Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kicking and screaming

Zach is at his first full session of preschool. He cried and threw himself on the floor as I left, but I didn't get a chance to give him a proper good-bye. They were thrusting a paper and clipboard at me saying "you HAVE to sign this NOW." Meanwhile I have Lilly in one arm and Zach standing at my knees frightened. Buggers! My last vision of my son's first full day of school was him being picked up, kicking and screaming, and carried into the classroom. I know he'll be fine, but it stung a little.

It's overwhelming right now that I have to keep TWO schedules and sets of homework/paperwork in files and finished by the appropriate days. I had to come home and MAKE SURE that I know exactly what time to pick him up from school. I was getting all anxious that I wasn't 100% sure. I'm hoping that once I get a month or so under my belt I'll have it down and it'll be "old hat." I either need to get a big Mom board with schedule slots and keep it in the kitchen or I need a palm pilot type of deal that will remind me as things start to approach. Abby'll be starting Karate in October and I'd like to get her in Awana. I feel the "soccer mom" thing is about to slap my ass and say "giddyup, Christy!'

Not to mention that as I was leaving the school I saw other moms posing their child against different areas and taking their "first day of school pic." Way to go, Christy! Totally missed that one. *shrugging* There's always next year, right? Or maybe I'll get one of him when I pick him up...that'll do.

Stay tuned for the whole story...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep Christy what is the matter with you! Soccer Mom is in full gear now! Ha ha I am just teasing you! He got picked up right and you haven't forgotten anyone at soccer or church or anything just yet ! hang in there! Seriously, I did have to get a "MOM" board so I knew what was going on with which kid at which time and place it does help tons! I have one I can dry erase on for the week's activites and then erase for the new week to begin. It's super crazy and fun all at the same time! Like at Faith's Dance recital it shows how hard her lessons paid off all year and Luke playing ball and loving it....
Awana's would help Zachary too! We are in full swing at my sister's church and they are really loving it!

Welcome to the "soccer club"!