Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The boy who won't poop on the toilet

That's MY son.

It's been a wild morning! Zach shit in his diaper this morning at the gym. Gah! *holding my nose* Seriously!? Dude is three and a half and does not want to make an effort to sit on the toilet AT ALL. And yes, I made him wear a diaper b/c he gets no more underwear until he poops in the potty. I'm mad too that he pooped while we were there and missed yet another opp to get him on the potty. He was either naked or without underwear for a day and a half with no pooping. The gym had oh *tapping my chin* I'd say about forty little kids in the nursery, half of them bawling, and TWO workers. They were seriously overrun and the gal was looking at me like "please lady, get help!" I ran in, took a shower and came back. Then I stayed in the nursery and helped with the kids for about ten minutes, until I had to clean Zach up and by then the step class was over and the other moms came to get their kids. I guess they paged a few moms, but no one can hear it in the classroom. Kinda dumb considering most of the moms are IN the classroom. I'm thinking of talking with the manager at the gym. Time at the gym is MY time and I really need to know that my child is safe and well taken care of. The number of children is taking a serious hike toward the maximum number allowed in there and they are not getting more adult help in there. It's ridiculous.

So then we went to meet Zach's teachers for the first itme. All was going okay. He played quietly and shared and took his turn. Then we had to sit down in a circle and listen to the teacher, just at the same time that Zach found the headphones in the reading corner. OH and before this he got his head stuck in a toy garage he was running his cars in and out of. *laughing* Thankfully I got him out without having to alert anyone else. Big goofball! So ALL the kids except Zach sat in the circle and listened and said their names....and then there was me (with Lilly in the sling) trying to defend the reading corner, sweating my ass off and trying to force him into the circle.

There is ONE teacher who was really forthright with him, grabbed him when he needed to go in one direction and told him sternly to do what he was to be doing. The other one was a pussyfoot and then there's a third who is apparently in charge of it all. I had a talk with Mrs. Pussyfoot and explained our situation and that he needed to be dealt with strongly and she said they would make sure he followed the rules or go to timeout. I just chuckled a little and said "okay then, good." All the while thinking "You have no idea yet what you're dealing with here, lady." My only hope is that between the three of them they'll be able to reassure him that they are strong enough and he'll fall in line with the rest of the class. Oh, and I forgot to mention...there are SEVENTEEN kids in the class for three teachers. Seventeen three year olds in one room. Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, but they must survive somehow. I'm hoping mine will too!
Of course, then we get home, get lunch underway and Zach goes over and craps his pants again. This time he has nothing to catch it (remember, no underwear) and he dumps on the floor. *deep sigh* Maybe this school thing isn't such a good idea after all. *shaking my head*

Stay tuned. Thursday we go for an orientation with the director while Zach will be on his own in the class for an hour.


Andrea Van Vlerah said...

My dear sister in law. I would say that you should have no worries about zach at school with 3 teachers he should be more than fine. The daycare that i work at well worked at(up untill yesterday) we had 15 kids in our daycare with just the 2 of us. yes it does get crazy and some kids are harder then others but the advantage of having more then one person is that the others make up for what one teacher or childcare provider cant handle or dosent quite understand. So i think that maybe there will be some hard days here and there but if they are good teachers he should be okay. also with the daycare and schools they always make sure they have the whole good cop bad cop thing going on. that way it is balanced and fair for the kids. not so much if you are the one who has to be the bad cop(like i had to). and like always kids are always different when they go to school. jordan hardly listens to nate and I. but at school and at the old preschool he went to he aparently is and was the best listener in the class. so go figure its just like the little raskels to give us a hard time and be angles for others:) and i cant remember if i sent you my page or not but its andreavanvlerahs.blogspot.com

Andrea Van Vlerah said...

sorry i am not a stalker i just fogot to tell you that with the potty training. boys are always harder than girls. and i am sorry to say but they are more then likely going to relaps as well. Jordan took forever to potty train and to had a thing about pooping in the potty. buy the time he was 4 he was fully potty trained.

Magpie said...

I have more confidence that they'll handle his behavior issues better than his pooping issues. THAT'S the part that worries me. Scott thinks that he'll rearrange his "plumbing schedule" so that he won't do it during school, so here's to hoping.

Thanks so much for the encouragement!! It's nice to have some been there, done that perspective. :)

Anonymous said...

Boys are harder and if it makes you feel any better at all-- our son took until just this year that he will go on the potty. Poopy that is! He is now 4 and some days still has some troubles not much a few times. He would hold his until he was constipated and the it was completely horrid for him to go! Just when I was about to give up hope he got it! Now he whispers in my ear when he has to go.
Hang in there and keep it up don't give up! It will happen and soon!
School will help; and remember they will only have Zac for a short time and then they get a break! 3 teachers can handle it! I used to do it too at church. --irishmama