Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Blogging Revolution...why not me!?

I just started blogging a month ago and I really do love it. Finding the time in between splitting up fighting kids, stirring Mac-n-Cheese, changing diapers and folding laundry to blog is kinda like sneaking a nip of vodka would be for an alcoholic. *sneakily looking around* HOW can I sneak it in without anyone noticing? And when I finally do, it's like...ahhhh...I DID IT! Take that, you crazy life of mine! I linked to Dooce and have been checking out her blog daily. This chic is hard-core blogging...making money, getting notoriety via news and such and enjoying the success of being a "Mommy Blogger." (not to mention she's totally cute and hip looking) So why not me? Why couldn't I be a successful blogger, gaining daily readers and financial security. I checked out her website and the other three Mommies on the Today Show, and I really think I'm JUST as interesting as they are...maybe more. ;) I'm not a writer by trade like the one gal and I don't use profanity as readily as they do (although I surely am more liberal when being verbal), but my life is just as interesting. SO why not? Well, I say I CAN. I just have to figure out how to get more traffic out there to come in here. Hmmm?? *scratching my head* I guess in the meantime I get to wow my closest friends and family with the stories, pictures and video of my life. :) Hi-ho! Hi-ho! It's off to blog I go. (whistles) Hi ho, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho.

1 comment:

Deena said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!! It's my favorite thing!