Saturday, May 17, 2008

The New 'Do

I finally did it! My hair was SOOOOO long after giving birth to Lilly and I just loved it. Then once she was here it was falling out like crazy and got really dried out. The stylist suggested I cut three inches off and it made a whole world of difference in the way it looked. I've just been pulling it up in a ponytail holder for SO long too that I kept thinking to myself, "just cut it, Christy. You look good with short-short hair too and it'll grow back." I went to get it cut short six weeks ago and totally chickened out but this time I was serious. No nerves at all, just ready to do it. Plus, I am always on the tail end of the trends. No matter what it is I just watch it go by wishing I had the money or the nerves to go with it and then when I either get the money, the nerves or the trend is out and no one else wants it (hence it's cheap enough) then I get it. SO, I did it. I cut my hair in the short bob that I see on everyone else and totally love. Surprisingly, I love it. We'll see how it goes in the next week and how easy it is to manage but right now I think it's cute. *big cheesy grin* The photo I took myself so that I could send it to Abby at Gramma's house. Those "at the end of the arm" shots are always SO lovely, but this one wasn't too awful to share. You get the gist of how short it is anyway. :)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!!! It looks absolutely fantastic!! Perfect for summer too.
Love, Erica

Magpie said...

Thanks! It's gonna take some time to get use to there not being hair in the back. It's so wedged back there, that it's clear up to the nape of my neck. :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the new doo Christy. About time you did something for yourself. Very pretty. Looks like it shouldn't be too hard to keep up. Love you, Aunt Jo

Anonymous said...

The "new 'do" looks even nicer in person than in this picture!!! I really like the way the back looks - very attractive!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, the new do looks great! Let me know what you think of styling your short hair. I finally caved and started letting my hair grow out long again, but if you have any good tips for low-maintenance short hair, I might change my tune.

Magpie said...

COOL! I appreciate the nice comments! I pray that in a week I won't be crying and complaining that I miss my long hair. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like it for awhile. It's that in between crap that I know I hate. Short hair is SUCH a commitment b/c you HAVE to do it each day, you HAVE to keep it cut in the style and if you want to go long you HAVE to go through that in between stage where you're sure that you look like a shaggy dog. :)

Time will tell!

I love the comments, btw. It makes the blog more like a conversation!