Yep - I do! I love this man so much that it aches.
I am very blessed to know that I married a man who is of such great character, an extremely dedicated father, has passion for whatever he puts his mind to, is more handsome than he'll ever believe, devilishly funny (what attracted him to me) and best of all...he chose me. And now, almost thirteen years of being together and nine years of being married, here we are still laughing and doing this thing called marriage and parenthood together. Is it crazy that I still long to "date" my husband? I don't think so. I crave this guy. I can't wait for him to get home each day, and not just to save me from the kids, but because I like being in his company. I think about the days ahead when our children are older and we have freedom to go have long dinners out, walks together, go to the movies, sit and cuddle on the couch without 30 pound and 50 pound WWF wrestlers jumping on us. Ahh...someday we'll get to go on a long vacation together alone and enjoy each others bodies in another land. Did I mention we did not have a honeymoon!? I'm thinking on our ten year anniversary we need to go somewhere fun! Don't you agree!?
Let's not be disillusioned. We still have our off times when we annoy each other, like every other married couple, but all in all - we are in love and awe of each other. I just gotta say that I cling to this marriage. I'm grateful for it, for who my husband is and consider the whole package a true gift from God. It's a holy thing, something to be revered, committed to and kept sacred. It's not worth jeopardizing over money, gambling, drinking, work, self-gratification, sex, other people's opinion, (insert other marriage killers here). Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. And forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?" I DO!
So - here's to you, Yo! *raising my coffee mug in appreciation* I love you! And I promise NEVER to wait five extra minutes before checking the mailbox for your exam results again. :)
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