Thursday, July 31, 2008

Confession is Good!

Spiritually speaking I've been pretty dry. Not dried up! Just parched a bit. It's not that the desire isn't there. It is. I miss talking with Him, feeling Him in my life using me for His kingdom. I've just allowed my flesh and busyness to get in the way of what can bring that fresh water and life to me...that's my daily quiet time with Him. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I haven't been the same since being pregnant with Lilly. I've let life overwhelm me I've still been praying and sporadically reading my bible and devotions, but it's been SOOO long since I've had a lengthy talk with God, since I've confessed any sins or really felt him moving in my spirit.

So today I grabbed my bundle of spiritual tools and sat down at the kitchen table. I splayed open the Primetime notebook, my bible, my own journal and had a hot cup of coffee to go with it all. Primetime is an organized notebook written by Dave Early to help you have a daily primetime with God. It is sectioned off as Bible Reading, Prayer and Bible Study and then each of those is sectioned off. My favorite section is the prayer part and it has guidelines for each day of the week. If you're not real sure about how to organize your daily prayer time remember A.C.T.S. Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication. Spend a few minutes to as much time as you have in each part.

  • Adore God by reading Scriptures about who he is, going through his attributes (holy, truth, gracious) or sing a song to him. Tell him how much you love him.
  • Confess to God by asking him to show you where you are sinning, admit those sins and yield yourself to him.
  • Be Thankful to him by verbally or in writing telling him all that you are thankful for in your life, from your sight to the vehicle you drive to the shoes on your feet.
  • Ask for Supplication (supplying our needs and the needs of others.)
I pray more thoroughly when I write it out; as if writing a letter to God, that's what I do in my own prayer journal. So I get to the confession portion of my prayers and look at the list of questions to ask yourself (according the Galations 5:16-23) and I start to squirm. Here's the list:

  1. Do I commit sexual immorality? No.
  2. Do I think thoughts of impurity? Uh...maybe.
  3. Do I find escape or entertainment in sexually questionable magazines, books, TV programs, music or movies? Do "The Girls Next Door" or the book "Engaged to the Shiek" count? got me.
  4. Do I have any idols in my life (things that I put before God)? Easily...busyness, family, TV.
  5. Do I have any dealings with witchcraft? Not that I can think of right now. Do those Ghosthunter shows count?
  6. Do I have hatred in my heart? Ooh...tricky one. I don't THINK I hate anyone, but then I'm sure I've said some nasty things about certain people and that would certainly fall under hatefulness. Okay, check me on that one too.
  7. Are there any broken relationships I need to make right? Yea, most likely. My brother, Eric, and I are completely fallen away from each other. He and I had a hard past and now that's he's back in our family life he's living a life that's polar opposite of my own. My fleshly reaction is to push him away under guise of protecting my own family, and there is a real part of that, but I need to really pick apart where I can have a relationship with him and be a good influence and also allow God to change me and work through me with Eric. Okay, okay...I get it, Lord. The question is how and whether he'll let me close.
  8. Am I jealous of anyone? I wouldn't say I'm jealous of any one person, but I do get jealous of lifestyles. I find myself wishing for something more or that I had those clothes or that body. So, yea. A lot of that comes from TV. I watch the Travel Channel and get so jealous of the people who get to jetset on vacations or stay in Paris.
  9. Have I committed any unconfessed fits of rage? Ever met Zachary and spent a few hours with him? This is a hard one for me...I confess. I also find myself getting a little nutty in the car, talking to drivers who aren't going fast enough or too fast or just aren't doing what I want them to. :(
  10. Am I selfishly ambitious? I guess I do fight this a little with trying to let go of what I thought I should be as a working woman.
  11. Am I divided from anyone? Is this a repeater?
  12. Am I at odds with any group? No, I don't think so.
  13. Am I envious? (repeater)
  14. Have I or do I long to experience drunkenness or orgies? Drunkenness, yes. Orgies, no.
So, I wrote out my own prayer of confession to the Lord including these things and some that are not on this list (I'll keep them to myself *wink*) and I really do feel a lift of burden. I feel like the air has been cleared and I can press forward with my usual day. Not to say I'm not gonna screw up again in an hour or so, b/c well, let's face it...I'm in a weakened state here. But when I do screw up, I need to be more quick to just get down there and say "Father, I screwed up. Forgive me and build me up to be stronger against my own flesh. I want to do and crave Godly things, not things of the flesh."

For I will be merciful and gracious toward their sins and I will remember their deeds of unrighteousness no more.
Hebrews 8: 12

Why is it that I know this feeling, know my Jesus as I do, know how I NEED him and our relationship, and yet I let things get between us? I just don't know, honestly. What I do know is that he's there every single time I turn back around. He always accepts my requests of forgiveness and really desires to spend time with me. When I allow him in he really does stir my spirit and helps me get through the day with less or no urge to scream or want to numb myself with food, TV or other guilty pleasure. I think it's time to get the train back on the tracks and out of Summertime mode. I know I need to be more on the guidelines for my own spiritual health, to be obedient to my Father, to be more an influence in his kingdom and to show my children how a daily relationship with Christ looks. Abby's always watching me...taking in the good AND the bad...and then there are others who'll be doing the same thing. What a responsibility! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Looooong post...sorry! Had to get it all out though! You may go on with your day now. *wink*

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