Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Do dogs understand your feelings?

Isn't it amazing how sometimes it seems that dogs completely understand what you are saying or feeling? They obviously can read body language and tone of voice, but then there's that sense that they "feel" what's going on too. Ever heard someone say that children and dogs have the ability to see and feel spiritual activity? I think there may be some truth to that. Sometimes when Tyson gets to staring at the wall or out the window and does that low, barely there growl...the hairs on my neck stand up and I feel like calling my Mommy.

Last night I was having a quiet little mental breakdown (the usual kid drama) and Tyson come from a completely different room, sat down right next to me and stared at me as if to say "'s okay. Don't cry, Mommy Pet me and you'll feel better Here, I'll shove my wet nose under your hand to get you started." How sweet is this guy, right?

And then there are other dogs, like our crypt keeper Max, who obsessively licks his paws until they are raw, lives under the couch and has a complete internal meltdown if a prism of light flashes anywhere in the house.

Just makes me wonder what all they really comprehend around here.

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