Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No More Complaining

So...I've decided something last night. Parenting is both an enormous blessing and simultaneously an enormous pain in the arse. This is not what I decided, just an obvious observation. What I've decided is that it's time to stop complaining about it. I'm simply exhausted both emotionally and physically by these three children, but somehow every single morning God grants me another ration of patience, love and strength to make it through the next 24 hours. I've been given the opportunity to stay home from work and mold these children into responsible, caring, moral people - at least to the best of my ability in the time I'm given. I can't spend another hour whining or complaining about how hard it is. It just is. It's gonna feel miserable at times and yes, I'll still be at the end of my rope many days, but my supply comes every day from a real saviour...a God who knows exactly how I feel. I need to dump my complaints in His complaint box and not all over my children or husband. I need to step up to the plate every day and stop taking everything so seriously and personally. The great thing about having kids is that they are fun! I need to have more FUN with them.

I have great kids...all three healthy, adorable in my eyes and real blessings from God. Along with the bundle of goodness comes a heap of rottenness that I'm in charge of weeding out of them. I can do it. Scott and I can do it...with God's help every day. goes nothing. *raising my coffee mug* To "not complaining today and having more fun!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You said it! It is hard and having an attitude of God is the best in the world. I also need to work on having some fun. I often feel all I do is work work and clean clean; when I could just be having some fun with my three wonderful blessings!

I can totally relate and you are an encouragement to me!