Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Veggie Tuesday

YUM - Veggies are here!! Nom, nom, nom!!

Today we received nine ears of corn, a head of cabbage, a bag of green beans, a handful of baby red potatoes, two squash, small green onions, one large onion and a bag of lettuce. I'm already thinking of all the side dishes I want to make for dinner! Pretty good loot, if you ask me.

Upon inspection of the corn though I found three freeloading worms again,none as big as last weeks for sure, but still there nonetheless. Christina, my neighbor, who halves the share with me, said she had two wormy ears of corn as well. So I think I'll send an email over to the farmer to see what's up. We're guessing it's part and parcel of not using pesticides, but I'd still like to ask. You can't see them in this picture, but maybe if you click on it . I pulled apart the other two, just to make sure, but the holes are there b/c there are fatty worms inside. *shiver* I'll likely just husk them, cut off the bad parts and eat the rest. No need to throw away a whole ear for a few bad kernels, right? We'll just mark those with an A and a Z for th e kids. Tee hee hee. Of course, knowing my anal retentive children they won't want the "broken" ones. :) I don't know WHERE they get that!? *whistling and looking off*

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