This is our ghost knife fish - Ghosty. He is, hands down, the coolest fish we've ever owned. Somehow, in just two years we've gone from buying three comet goldfish for our daughter to owning two huge tanks (55 gal and 110 gal) with an assortment of aquatic life. We've had angel fish, barbs, tetras, three parrot fish, numerous sucker fish (FINALLY got one that grew and lived longer than a month or so), numerous apple snails and more fish than I can remember.
Ghosty is now approximately 11 inches long and can swim backwards. He's absolutely mesmerizing to watch, the way his underside delicately undulates contrasting his thicker eel-like face. Why do I call him a him anyway? Do fish have a sex? I guess we just figured he's a cool dude and must be a dude. *shrugging* Anyway, we use to have a log in the tank for him to hide in, but never really got to watch him in action b/c the only time he'd come out was when we'd turn the lights off. So we thought to go get a big plastic tub, cut off the end and use that. He apparently still thinks he's hiding from us b/c he just hangs inside the tube - not the brightest fish in the tank I guess.
1 comment:
"Not the brightest fish in the tank" - another compelling argument for him being a "he". ;)
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