Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baker Animal Rescue?

Yesterday morning I was outback with the kids and saw an adjacent neighbor come out of her back door with something in her hand. She was holding it away from her body and at first glance it looked like a rug. It only took another quick few seconds before I realied it was not a rug - it was HER YORKIE and she was holding it by the collar or throat! Before I knew it I was yelling across two yards, "HEY! HEY! HEY! Don't you hold that dog that way!" As I'm yelling this she is walking to a 4x5 foot pin that she keeps the dog in day and night, and drops it in. She turns and looks right at me kinda like she wasn't sure if I was yelling at her or one of my own kids. Then she realizes I'm looking right at her and she slinks behind a tree that obstructs my view of her. And a few more seconds later she slowly walks back up onto her deck and into her house.

I was so mad I could have spit nails and found myself shaking from the exchange. This dog can't be more then ten pounds and not only that, like I said before they leave it caged up outside day and night, rain or shine, barkings it's little head off at times. No one comes out to talk to it or run it - that I've ever seen anyway. And true...this dog could be a mini Satan inside of the house. I've had Yorkies growing up and one of my own that I couldn't handle, so I know first hand that they can be serious handfuls. BUT there really isn't an excuse for keeping a dog you have no intention of being with and carrying it around by the throat.

So after talking with a neighbor two doors down, who lives behind this woman, and realizing that this is not at all an isolated incident I decided to write this lady a letter. I did my best not to excuse her behavior but stroke her enough that she might let us meet her and the dog, and possibly adopt it. I also gave her a website for a great Yorkie rescue in case she wanted to rid herself of this dog, but didn't want to give it to us. I really, really do not want another dog in this house, but I'd rather take the dog in here and know it's not being mistreated, possibly get it into another home than to leave it there with her. I plan to drop off the letter this morning on my way out to run errands, so stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Way to go!!

I don't understand in the slightest why people own and keep pets that they don't love and enjoy having. Makes my blood boil.

irishmama said...

You go mama! I admire you for not just minding your own business and sticking up for the poor innocent dog! I hope to hear a response to this soon!